Sepete Eklendi
Trend Bayrak | Atatürk Poster No:6

Atatürk Poster No:6

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Trend Bayrak | Atatürk Poster No:6
Trend Bayrak | Atatürk Poster No:6
Trend Bayrak | Atatürk Poster No:6

Atatürk Poster No:6

We have many alternative visuals about Atatürk poster production. We produce raschel and satin fabric to the desired size. Since Atatürk poster is generally used outdoors, it is produced from weather-resistant fabric. Usage areas of Atatürk poster; schools, government institutions, building decorations, sports clubs, etc. places.

  • The 3 edges of our products are produced as double stitching as standard. The wick part is sewn with a knitted belt and the flag hanging place is produced with a plastic hook.
  • Folded individually and packed with gelatine.
1 Quantity
Trend Bayrak | Atatürk Poster No:6

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