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Trend Bayrak | Flag of Angola

Flag of Angola

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Trend Bayrak | Flag of Angola
Trend Bayrak | Flag of Angola
Trend Bayrak | Flag of Angola

Flag of Angola

Country flags are used indoors and outdoors, from official ceremonies to various organizations. They are frequently supplied by consulates, associations, political parties, companies, hotels and fair organizations. Another name is state flags.

  • The 3 sides of our products are produced with double needle technique as standard.
  • Extra column reinforcement to the wick part is made as standard in large sizes
  • Folded one by one and packed with gelatin.
1 Quantity

History of the Flag of Angola

Angola is one of the significant countries in Africa and ranks among the world’s most populous nations. The history of its flag is also notable. Flags without historical context do not carry any meaning. Angola’s flag was officially approved for the first time on November 11, 1975. The country has undergone various extraordinary processes throughout its history, and the flag has evolved through multiple phases. The flag’s creation was spearheaded by the MPLA, a political party, as Angola achieved official independence.

Meaning of the Flag of Angola

Angola is a country rich in diverse civilizations and traditions. Visitors to the country can find many Angolans who can provide detailed information about the flag’s meaning. The flag’s design features two horizontal stripes in red and black. In the center, a small yellow star, a machete, and a large half-gear symbol are depicted. The half-gear symbol in the center represents the socialist revolution and signifies the working class. The machete represents the farming class, while the small five-pointed star symbolizes the country’s growth in various fields.

Dimensions of the Flag of Angola

Our company manufactures the Angolan flag specifically in the size of 2×3 meters. As with many other countries, the Angolan government has officially specified the dimensions of the flag. When visiting Angola, you will notice that the flag used in various regions of the country adheres to fixed dimensions. The government has implemented strict measures in this regard. Using different flag sizes could lead to inconsistencies, so the government has standardized the dimensions.

Uses of the Flag of Angola

The flag has a wide range of uses. Since its official adoption, the Angolan flag is prominently displayed. Angola is among the most visited African countries, attracting numerous tourists annually due to its historical and natural attractions. Consequently, the Angolan flag is used in historical sites, military units and ceremonies, military zones, health and educational centers, shopping malls, consulate buildings within and around the country’s borders, large public squares in various cities, official institutions, and even in large construction projects.

Trend Bayrak | Flag of Angola

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