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Trend Bayrak | Flag of Kazakhstan

Flag of Kazakhstan

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Trend Bayrak | Flag of Kazakhstan
Trend Bayrak | Flag of Kazakhstan
Trend Bayrak | Flag of Kazakhstan

Flag of Kazakhstan

Turks have had flashy flags with different designs in every period. These flags, which have a wide usage area, are produced as sets of 17 and 27. The content of the set of 17 and 27 is given below. These flags are used in many places such as offices, unions, schools, promotional stands, conferences, office rooms, meeting rooms.

  • 27 Turkish Flag content: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Republic of Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Republic of Tava and Yakutia, in addition to the former Turkic states mentioned above.
  • Flags are individually wrapped in gelatin.
  • The pedestal is packed in a box.
  • Minimum order is 50 pieces
1 Quantity

History of the Flag of Kazakhstan

The flag of Kazakhstan is the flag officially used by Kazakhstan, a Central Asian country, which is also considered one of the 7 independent Turkic republics. The flag of Kazakhstan, which was designed and started to be used after the country declared its independence from the Soviet Union, is still used today as it was first designed. This flag, which represents the unity and indivisible integrity of the country, finds its place in many different areas, especially in official ceremonies and state institutions. In 1992, a special place was allocated in the constitution for the flag, which was started to be used in 1992, and the flag was protected in this way. 

Kazakhstan Flag Meaning

As in the flags of all countries, the flag of Kazakhstan contains symbols that have meaning and importance for the nation. These symbols not only contribute to the motivation and strength of the nation, but also serve as a message to other nations. The flag of Kazakhstan has a light blue or turquoise background. Turquoise is a color that Turks have been using since ancient times. Basically, it is a color that has become synonymous with Turkishness. However, purity, cleanliness and unity of the nation are also expressed with this color. The yellow stripe stretching from top to bottom on the left side of the flag is a symbol of the Golden Horde State, which is considered one of the ancestors of the Kazakhs. This stripe was included in the flag by emphasizing the past. There is a yellow sun in the middle of the flag. This means peace and development. In other words, the message is given that the Kazakh country is a country where everyone lives in peace. Another motif on the flag of Kazakhstan is the eagle embroidered just below the sun and flying. The eagle is among the symbols that Turks use the most. In this respect, it is possible to say that the Kazakh flag is a flag that frequently refers to Turkishness. The meaning of the eagle is power and might. It is also the sovereignty of the state.

Kazakhstan Flag Dimensions

Although the flags of countries have almost the same size in appearance, in fact, the flag of each country has specially determined dimensions. This is also the case for the flag of Kazakhstan. According to the constitution of Kazakhstan, it is an obligation to comply with these measurements in flag production. The size determined for the flag of Kazakhstan is 1:2. If the companies producing flags make a production outside of this measure, it may cause undesirable situations to arise. Therefore, when purchasing a flag, care should be taken to ensure that the measurements are used correctly.

Kazakhstan Flag Usage Areas

Kazakhs are one of the oldest peoples of Central Asia. They are among the ancient Turkic nations with a history dating back to the Golden Horde State and even earlier. Today, Kazakhs continue to exist in countries such as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Russia. The Kazakh people, who live an independent life under the shadow of the flag of Kazakhstan, also known as the Kazakh flag, have an important position among the independent Turkic republics. The flag of Kazakhstan is used for many different purposes, especially in government offices and official ceremonies.

Trend Bayrak | Flag of Kazakhstan

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